Linguistic and Visual Formation Rhetoric during COVID-19 Crisis: A study of Selected Slogans and Awareness Posters by Saudi Health Ministry
Rhetoric, Media Discourse, Ministry of Health slogans, COVID-19Abstract
This study aims to explore, analyze and elucidate the linguistic and visual composition rhetoric in selected slogans and awareness images released by the Ministry of Health in combating coronavirus pandemic, high ting such rhetoric impact on the recipients. With media discourse adopted by Health Ministry at its thrust, the study focuses on slogans and awareness slogans and posters as influential forms of media communication to the recipients. The study is divided into an introduction and three sections: Section one dealt with the rhetoric of media discourse. Section two discussed the linguistic structure rhetoric in the Ministry of Health slogans. Section three addressed the visual formation rhetoric in awareness posters released by Saudi Health Ministry. The study concluded that media discourse was one of the main strategies used by the Ministry of Health to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. It succeeded in strengthening its relationship with the public, interacting with the event with transparency and clarity through impactful persuasion among the recipients.
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