The Directive Strategy in Al-Rihani’s Book Al-Masoun


  • Afrah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Ajlan



Pragmatics, New Rhetoric, Intentionality, Al-Masoun, Communication


This study aims to clarify the concept of the directive strategy, and its connection to the rhetorical lesson, reveal the situated context of the blog by talking about Al-Masoun and its author (Al-Rihani), and find out its directives in refining morals and correcting behavior by applying the pragmatic approach. It consists of an introduction and two sections. The first section deals with the simple linguistic methods in the directive strategy and the second section is about the complex linguistic methods in the directive strategy to study the directive achievement within the framework of communication, invest the directive strategy in approaching the Arab heritage, root it in literary blogs that are rich in eloquence and clarity, and highlight the link between pragmatics and rhetoric. The study showed Al-Rihani’s skill and pragmatic competence through his texts, which revealed some communicative issues such as presupposition, the use of shared knowledge, the level of strength and flexibility, and the interconnection and repetition of directive means to double the effectiveness of the communication process. Al-Rihani places the recipient in a system of perceptions and reflections that guide him to the purpose of the speech.


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How to Cite

Al-Ajlan, A. B. A. (2024). The Directive Strategy in Al-Rihani’s Book Al-Masoun. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(1), 72–98.


