The Speech Acts in Eid Greeting Discourse in Arab Countries from a Pragmatic Perspective


  • Afrah Abu Al-Bashar Mohammed Babiker



Speech Acts, Congratulatory Discourse, Linguistic Context, Pragmatics


This study aimed to analyze the speech acts in Eid greetings commonly used in Arab countries from a communicative perspective, employing a communicative approach that emphasizes language usage. The research is structured into an introduction, two sections, and a conclusion summarizing key findings and recommendations. The introduction covers the study's importance, questions, objectives, methodology, structure, and review of previous studies. The first section addresses the theoretical framework, while the second focuses on the practical analysis of speech acts in Eid greetings. The study's findings highlight that congratulatory phrases are not judged by truthfulness but by their success or failure as expressive acts. The impact of Eid greetings varies depending on the recipient's state and relationship with the speaker, typically resulting in the acceptance of the greetings, expressing happiness, and responding in equal or better. This is influenced by Islamic teachings that encourage reconciliation, forgiveness, and the resolution of conflicts among Muslims.


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How to Cite

Babiker, A. A. A.-B. M. (2024). The Speech Acts in Eid Greeting Discourse in Arab Countries from a Pragmatic Perspective. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(3), 57–74.




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