Reality of Transitional Services Provided for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Students from their Perspective at King Saud University


  • Dr. Badr Naser * *Alkahtani



: Transitional services, - Deaf and hearing impaired, King Saud University


The study aimed to investigate the reality of transitional services provided for deaf and hearing impaired students from their perspective at King Saud University. The study sample consisted of (77) deaf and hearing impaired students. The descriptive-analytical approach was followed. A questionnaire, author-prepared, on transition services status was administered to the sample. The findings revealed that participants' responses regarding "independent living skills" showed higher agreement with an average score of 3.57. Responses  on the 'Translation unit services for deaf students' dimension came with a moderate degree of agreement, with a mean of (2.99).Top of Form For "academic support services", responses demonstrated a higher level agreement with an average score of 3.60. Responses concerning "psychological support services" also indicated increased agreement with an average score of 3.49. Additionally, responses pertaining to "integration and community participation services" showed a high level of agreement with an average score of 3.57. The study concluded that there were no statistically significant differences in responses related to transitional services based on gender and age, however, there were statistically significant differences based on the degree of hearing loss, favoring the deaf.


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How to Cite

*Alkahtani, D. B. N. *. (2024). Reality of Transitional Services Provided for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Students from their Perspective at King Saud University. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 6(3), 184–228.

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