The Centrality of Women in Muhammad Ibrahim Yaqoub’s Collection ‘Hafat Sabi’a’: A Psychological Study


  • Mariam Husein Al-Harithi



Center and Margin, Women's Issues, Deprivation Complex, Psychoanalysis


This research presents a psychological analysis of the motivations for the centrality of women according to the poet Muhammad Ibrahim Yaqoub in his collection ‘Hafat Sabi’a’ (The Seventh Edge) and aims to explain the heavy presence of the poem on the lips of women in the collection, and the secret of the poet’s self-hiding behind the other (the center). The research was divided into two sections: first: the marginalization of the self, and second: women’s sovereignty (the center). To reveal the inner self, we relied on psychological reading with the help of psychoanalysis. The research concluded with the following results: the link between women’s rejection of stability and the anxiety of the poet’s self, in an attempt by the poet to abolish the inherited ideas about women’s subordination to men. The researcher also identified the most important psychological reasons for the lack of security, which formed the history of the poet’s childhood complex; Thus, the woman occupied the center circle in causing anxiety, and the poet sided with the margins.


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How to Cite

Al-Harithi, M. H. (2024). The Centrality of Women in Muhammad Ibrahim Yaqoub’s Collection ‘Hafat Sabi’a’: A Psychological Study. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(1), 245–264.




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