Derivations of the Linguistic Root (dha.ka.ra) in the Holy Qur'an and It's Functions in Light of the Theory of Knowledge


  • Norah Bin Auadh Bin Abdullah Al-Shehri



The Root (dha.ka.ra), Functions of Al-dhikr, Theory of Knowledge, The Holy Qur’an, Awareness and Philosophy


This research dealt with the linguistic root (dha.ka.ra) and its derivations in the Holy Qur’an, through its meanings, connotations, and functions in light of the theory of knowledge. The research includes an introduction and three sections. The first section dealt with the definition of Al-dhikr, the second section dealt with the positions of the root (dha.ka.ra) and its derivatives in the Holy Qur’an, and the third section dealt with the meanings of Al-dhikr and its functions in the Holy Qur’an. The research concluded that the common meaning of Al-Tathakur (remembering) is: retrieving previous information intentionally and consciously, recalling it in the heart, or mentioning it with the tongue. The linguistic root (dha.ka.ra) is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in two hundred and ninety-two places. In one hundred and fifty-five places, it appears in the verbal form, including twenty-eight places in the past tense, seventy-one places in the present tense, and fifty-six places in the imperative form. However, the nominal form appeared in one hundred and thirty-seven places, and its forms and connotations varied, and the context is what governs the meaning in each of them. It is noticeable in the verses urging Al-Tathakur that mental functions such as remembering, thinking, and contemplating work together as characteristics of human beings.


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How to Cite

Al-Shehri, N. B. A. B. A. (2024). Derivations of the Linguistic Root (dha.ka.ra) in the Holy Qur’an and It’s Functions in Light of the Theory of Knowledge. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(1), 400–423.




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