Realistic Imagery and Its Connotations in the Poetry of Fawaz Al-Laboun


  • Reem Bint Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Hussein



Image, Truth, Image Depiction, Metaphor


This research aims to highlight the patterns and connotations of realistic imagery in the poetry of the Saudi poet Fawaz Al-Laboun. The study includes an introduction, a preface, and two main sections. The first section examines the trends of realistic imagery in Al-Laboun's poetry, categorized by themes such as his feelings towards his friends, beloved, country, parents, and God. The second section explores the manifestations of realistic depiction in various situations. The conclusion presents key findings, including the poet's emphasis on artistic imagery tied to reality. Unlike many poets who rely heavily on metaphor, Al-Laboun employs realistic imagery with diverse connotations—emotional, social, psychological, and religious. He skillfully combines abstract and tangible elements in his realistic portrayals.


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How to Cite

Al-Hussein, R. B. M. B. S. (2024). Realistic Imagery and Its Connotations in the Poetry of Fawaz Al-Laboun. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(3), 119–136.




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