Kitāb al-Nakhlah by Abū Ḥātim al-Sijistānī: A Study Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields
Kitāb al-Nakhlah, Semantic Relations, Theory of Semantic Fields, Abū Ḥātim al-SijistānīAbstract
This study aims to classify the words of Kitāb al-Nakhlah applying the ‘Theory of Semantic Fields’ and reveal the relationships between the words of each field. It also aims to explain Abu Hatim’s approach in the book and clarify the convergence and differences between his approach and the Theory of Semantic Fields. The research has concluded with several results; one of the most important results is that Kitāb al-Nakhlah is a good model that proves the Theory of Semantic Fields to have origins back in the works of early scholars. The researcher classified the words of the book under the main semantic fields which have been divided into sub-fields. In addition, semantic relations have emerged between the words of each field. Synonymy is one of the most important semantic relations in the book because words are pronounced differently in different dialects. As a result of phonetic changes to each word in different dialects, such as metathesis and linguistic substitution, some sounds may develop and other forms of words would arise. Other semantic relationships also appeared, such as, homonym, antonym, and hyponym.
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