Ethics of the Prophet's Dialogue in the Hudaybiyah Reconciliation Treaty


  • Asmaa Khamis Saleh Al-Ghamdi



Dialogue, Sunnah, Ethics, Reconciliation, Hudaybiyya


This study aims to outline a Dialogic ethical framework drawn from the Prophet's Mohammed (PBUH) biography and underline the necessity of adhering to such ethics for a productive Dialogue and establishing truth-telling grounds. Dialogue has been a persuasive code of conduct for the Prophet (PBUH) in almost all aspects of life among both his opponents and companions, giving us an unparalleled image of role model Dialogue's contexts, etiquettes, and ethics. This study is organized into an introduction and two sections. The first section addresses the concept of Dialogue and its legitimacy. The second section deals with Prophet's Dialogue in Hudaybiyah Reconcilaition Treaty. The study revealed that Dialogue of all kinds must be based on ethics, good treatment and respect for the opponent. Dialogue in the Prophetic Sunnah has elevated Muslims and established high standards of morals and virtues. Dialogue based on cherished standards and sound ethics is the means to reach the ends. It is of paramount significance to abide by ethical Dialogue for progress and advancement and deal with issues of extremism in society, as the absence of Dialogue leads to the corruption of nations.


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How to Cite

Al-Ghamdi, A. K. S. . (2022). Ethics of the Prophet’s Dialogue in the Hudaybiyah Reconciliation Treaty . Journal of Arts, (25), 106–127.




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