Journal Policies


Journal Publication Policy:


  • The journal adheres to the announced publishing ethics.
  • Based on the reports that the editors and referees have submitted, the decision is made to accept the research for publication. This decision is made on the basis of the research's scientific value, its originality and novelty, the degree to which the publishing conditions have been approved, the journal's declared policy and its area of expertise, and the principles of scientific integrity.


  • The opinions published in the journal represent only the authors of the research and do not necessarily reflect the views of the journal.


  • The researcher is provided with the acceptance letter of publication immediately after his/her research receives final acceptance, specifying the date of acceptance, the date of publication, and the number of the issue in which it will be published.
  • The arrangement of research in the issues is subject to technical standards.
  • The geographical diversity in the published research is considered (domestic, local, Arab, regional) as much as possible.
  • The journal's issues are released electronically in accordance with the predetermined publishing schedule on its website, and they may be downloaded for free and without restriction as soon as they are published.



Editing, refereeing and publishing stages:


  • The researcher pledges that his/her research is original and has not been previously published or submitted for publication to another party.
  • Before being eligible for scientific assessment, research articles submitted for publication must first pass a preliminary examination by the editorial board to ascertain their fit for the journal's specialism, policy, and the integrity of scientific research techniques. Before forwarding the study to the referees, the editorial board reserves the right to refuse to accept the work in its entirety or to request changes from the author in compliance with the journal's policies.


  • In order to make improvements, the reviewers' evaluation of the study attempts to evaluate its uniqueness and caliber. This procedure is required to review the research's contents and guarantee that only top-notch research is published. The following steps are taken in order to complete the refereeing:


  • After submitting the research, it is evaluated and edited by the specialized editor/s / specialists to ensure its integrity and compliance with the conditions.
  • The editor-in-chief or managing editor approves the validity of the application by evaluating the quality and originality of the research. It may be rejected at this stage if it violates the standards, conditions, and rules of conduct followed.
  • The reviewers are selected by the editor-in-chief or managing editor, and the refereeing is double anonymous and confidential.
  • The reviewers examine the research and form a comprehensive impression of it. If essential comments are found, then it may be recommended to reject the research, and it may be recommended to make essential or minor amendments to it based on the type of comments found in it, indicating all the points that should be reconsidered, and the final report is submitted to the editor-in-chief with the proposed recommendation.
  • The editor-in-chief or managing editor reviews the refereeing reports, and if there is a difference in the opinions of the referees, the research is referred to other referees for weighing before issuing a final judgment on the research, and upon reaching a decision, the reviewers’ reports are referred to the authors.
  • The researcher agrees to revise his/her research in accordance with the referees' recommendations based on the reports that were sent to him. He/She also promises to submit a revised version of the work to the journal in no more than two weeks, as long as the changes are indicated by a different color and he provides an explanation of his work using a form that is attached and made specifically for this purpose. Finally, he/she promises to respond thoughtfully to any criticism that he/she does not agree with.


  • The research is returned to the reviewers when the recommendations are essential to determine the extent of the researcher's commitment to what was requested of him, and the editorial board/management follows up on the evaluation when the recommendation is to make minor amendments, and then the final verification is done, and the researcher is given a letter of acceptance for publication.

After ensuring that the research is ready in its final draft, it is sent for editing, linguistic proofreading, and technical review, then referred to the final production.


Plagiarism Policy:


All research is subject to investigation and examination to detect plagiarism before sending it for scientific evaluation. The researcher pledges in writing to bear legal and ethical responsibility in the event of the appearance of plagiarism or taking from the efforts of other researchers without referring to it.


Dealing with Research Misconduct:

The journal takes serious steps to identify and prevent publication of papers in which research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and falsification/fabrication of data.