
Publication Rules:


The publication guidelines must be strictly followed, and the journal apologies for not publishing any research that does not meet the requirements, regardless of its scientific value. Submitting research papers will be received, reviewed, and published according to the following rules.


  1. The research must be original and adhere to the scientific research methodology recognized in scientific and humanities journals.


  1. The research must be serious, original, and contemporary, and provide effective solutions to deep rooted and accumulated problems.


  1. The research must be original and not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and the researcher must provide a declaration to that effect.


  1. The language of the research must be clear, whether in Arabic or English, and it must be linguistically and typographically correct.


  1. The research must be accompanied by tables, figures, drawings, and footnotes on the specified pages.


  1. The number of words in the research must not exceed 7,000 words, including references and appendices, and must not be less than 4,000 words.
  2. The research written in Arabic should be in (Sakkal Majalla) font size 16, and in (Times New Roman) font for research and writings in a foreign language size 12. As for the titles, they are written in the same font but in bold letters with a space between the lines of 1 cm.
  3. Page margins are: 03 cm on the right, and 02 cm on the rest of the sides: top, left, bottom.
  4. The research is sent as an electronic copy (Word), to the journal's email or the journal's window on the university website. The research must be accompanied by the following documents, the models of which are available on the journal's website: Pledge and acknowledgment - Information form about the researcher and the research.
  5. The cover page of the submitted research must include the title of the research, the academic title, and the institution to which the researcher belongs, and two abstracts in Arabic and English are attached to the research within the limits of (250) words for each.
  6. Due to the diversity of studies and research in the fields related to the journal's interests, it is dealt with according to a general pattern of editing elements, so that:


- Theoretical research is edited to include: an introduction containing the elements of the topic, the problem, the presentation (the methodological branch contains: main elements and sub-elements, arranged in ascending order), a conclusion that includes the results of the research (not a summary of the research), a list of sources and references for the research organized and arranged according to the system in effect in this journal.

- As for field research and studies, they must include: the introduction, the problem, the objectives of the study, the importance of the study, the limits of the study, defining the terms of the study, the theoretical framework, previous studies, field study procedures, and include: the study methodology, the study community and sample, study tools, application procedures, statistical methods, presentation and discussion of the study results, recommendations and suggestions, and a list of references.


  1. The (APA) style, seventh edition, is followed in documenting references.
  2. After the researcher sends his/her research to the journal, he/she receives a confirmation letter from the journal to notify him of receiving the research.
  3. The submitted research is subject to an initial examination by the editorial board, to determine the extent of its compliance with the publication conditions and its eligibility for arbitration. The editorial board has the right not to accept publishing an article without providing reasons.


  1. The editorial board selects two reviewers of expert professors and specialists in the field of the research topic to review it and determine its suitability for publication, based on a precise and accurate arbitration model, and the scientific rank of the arbitrator should not be less than the rank of the author of the research. If the research is rejected by one of them, it is sent to a third arbitrator in fairness to the researcher, and his arbitration is decisive in the result of accepting the research or not.


  1. The reviewing process is carried out confidentially, so that the research is sent without the name of the researcher/researchers or his/her place of work.
  2. The accepted research for publication takes its turn in publication according to its order according to the date of its final acceptance for publication, and the research is allocated in the journal according to technical considerations that have nothing to do with the status of the researcher or the research.
  3. The reviewing committee and/or the editorial board may request formal or comprehensive amendments to the research before approving its publication, and the editorial board has the right to make formal amendments to the submitted material whenever necessary without prejudice to the subject.
  4. The journal retains the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to publish any research without providing a justification.