Editorial Management Team

General Supervisor:

  Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi

Position: Rector of the University, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen.

Address: University Presidency, Thamar University, P O Box 87246 Dhamar, Yemen.

E-Mail: dralhaifi@tu.edu.ye  




  Prof. Dr. Adulkarem Esmail Zabiba

Position: Vice-Rector of Postgraduate and Scientific Research, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen.

Address: Vice Presidency of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Thamar University, P O Box 87246 Dhamar, Yemen.

E-Mail: karimzabiba@tu.edu.ye    



Editorial Director:         

   Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Ahmed Ali Ahmed

Position: Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen.

Address: Faculty of Applied Sciences, Thamar University, P O Box 87246 Dhamar, Yemen.

E-Mail: abdullah2803@tu.edu.ye