Grammatical Guidance of Qur’anic Readings in Al-Fawzan’s Explanation of Alfiyyat Ibn Malik
Grammatical Guidance, Qur’anic Readings, Participle, Diptote, Verb ParsingAbstract
The research aims to address the readings mentioned by Al-Fawzan in his explanation of Alfiyyat Ibn Malik, and to present and discuss his grammatical and semantic directions for them in order to show its linguistic and grammatical miracle and describe his approach to dealing with it grammatically. It contained an introduction and thirteen sections that dealt with grammatical guidance in the following sections: the indefinite and definite articles, the subject and the predicate, Kana and its sisters, Inna and its sisters, the ‘pro-agent’, substituting the verb with its doer, the exception, the addition, the active participle, the affixes, the vocative, the Diptote, and the verb parsing. The research concluded that Al-Fawzan took the position of the one who uses the Qur’an in directing the readings of the Qur’an, except in a few cases. He preferred some of them over others and gave preference to some of them over others in grammatical guidance without any response or ambiguity.
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