Self-disclosure-based counseling program effectiveness in reducing speech anxiety disorder among female students at the College of Education - Taiz University


  • Dr. Sadeq Abdo Saif *Al-Mekhlafi
  • Dr. Eftikhaar Ahmed Abdulrahman Ali **Al-Shameeri
  • Somia Mahioub Ghalib Al Al-Barakany**



Self-Disclosure Program, Speech Anxiety Disorder, , Female Students, Faculty of Education, Taiz University


This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a counseling program based on self-disclosure in reducing speech anxiety disorder among female students from Faculty of Education - Taiz University. The experimental approach was followed. The sample consisted of 24 female students, divided equally into two experimental and control groups. Data analysis tools included speech anxiety scale and a counseling program (prepared by authors). The results showed statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group on the post speech anxiety scale in the pre and post program implementation, showing decreased speech anxiety among the group members. There were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental and control groups on post implementation speech anxiety scale, in favor of the experimental group. The differences were statistically insignificant between the average ranks of the experimental two subgroups based on study second and fourth study level variable. Similarly, the difference was statistically insignificant between the two experimental sub-groups members based on Applied Science and Humanities major variable.



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How to Cite

*Al-Mekhlafi, D. S. A. S., **Al-Shameeri , D. E. A. A. A., & Al-Barakany**, S. M. G. A. (2024). Self-disclosure-based counseling program effectiveness in reducing speech anxiety disorder among female students at the College of Education - Taiz University. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 6(2), 9–45.



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