مفهوم العقيدة بين المعنى القرآني والاستعمال النبوي والاصطلاحي-دراسة تأصيلية

مفهوم العقيدة بين المعنى القرآني والاستعمال النبوي والاصطلاحي-دراسة تأصيلية


  • علي عبد الله محمد الحيد كلية التربية - جامعة المحويت




مفهوم، العقيدة، الاستعمال، الاصطلاح.


This research aims at consolidating the terminology of creed by tracing the vocabulary of this article in the Qur’anic and Prophetic meaning and the usage of this terminology by Fundamentals of Religions' Scholars and clarifying the legitimacy of its use as a terminology or not. The study also aims at looking at if there are some bad results on this terminology, etc. The study included a preface, three topics and a conclusion. The study utilized the descriptive approach that is based on extrapolation, tracking, analysis and elicitation. The study revealed that the article (contract) revolves between the following linguistic meanings: linkage, tension, curvature, firmness, trust, stability, immanence, obligation, combination, accumulation, guarantee, covenant,  and the disability to express, and that the Qur’anic meaning of the article (contract) revolves between five meanings in which there is no explicit terminology indicating the idiomatic use. The research concluded that the prophetic use of a (contract) has multiple meanings, including: an absolute meaning of the idiomatic use. The study  also reached the conclusion of the legality of this terminology through tracking based on objectivity and impartiality.  

مفهوم العقيدة بين المعنى القرآني والاستعمال النبوي والاصطلاحي-دراسة تأصيلية



How to Cite

الحيد ع. ع. ا. م. . (2023). مفهوم العقيدة بين المعنى القرآني والاستعمال النبوي والاصطلاحي-دراسة تأصيلية : مفهوم العقيدة بين المعنى القرآني والاستعمال النبوي والاصطلاحي-دراسة تأصيلية . Journal of the Faculty of Education, 12(18), 224–255. https://doi.org/10.60037/edu.v1i18.1462


