Honoring Women Position as Evidenced in Holy Quran Dowry Verses.


  • Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim Sultan




Quran, Women, Dowry, Honoring


This study aims to illustrate how Islam pays tribute to women in honoring them as especially evidenced in the Quran, through the concept of dowry in marriage, emphasizing the virtues of Islam and its honorary elevation of women, compensating them for the injustice and oppression they have faced in other laws and religions. The inductive-analytical approach was employed in tracing the verses affirming this aspect, The study revealed that honoring women in Islam was manifested in multiple aspects, such as respecting their status and protecting their vulnerability. Honoring woman was evident in terms of dowry which prohibited practices that contradict honor and importance for women, such as child marriage and inheritance. It was also concluded that that dowry represented many juristic secrets, including balancing rights and responsibilities, as well as psychological secrets including satisfying oneself, driving off Satan’s and evil. Moreover, dowry carried social secrets for women and the family, contributing to the preservation of this entity from collapse and disintegration. This study is a clear manifestation of the Quran perfect and eloquent aspects.


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How to Cite

Sultan, I. M. I. . (2023). Honoring Women Position as Evidenced in Holy Quran Dowry Verses . Journal of Arts, 11(3), 513–534. https://doi.org/10.35696/.v11i3.1597

