Manifestations of Stimulation and Attraction in the poetry of Naqa’id ‘Contradictories’
Stimulation, Attraction, Improvisation, Poetry, The Naqa’id ‘ContradictoriesAbstract
The study aims to investigate the expressions of psychological motivation, which are crucial in the process of producing text and determining the effectiveness of poetic communication. The study aims to evaluate the creative text, assess the poet's abilities, and determine the impact of the poem on the audience. A talented poet demonstrates their skill and poetic ability by utilizing this strategy, which includes a combination of factors that attract and influence the audience. The art of contradictories is considered one of the most complex arts because it requires a clever mind that can improve the methods of dialogue and controversy and blend the old and the new. The study is divided into two main sections: the first section focuses on the motivational and attractive expressions in poetry of contradictories, while the second section examines the influences of improvisation and verbal compatibility on motivation and attraction. The research concludes that poets who excel in the art of contradictions are skilled at motivating and influencing poetic performance, arousing and attracting the audience, and understanding the psychological dimensions of motivation. These poets evoke the connotations associated with their work, imbue them with determination, and unleash the audience's imagination to achieve a powerful impact.
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