Measuring and Comparing the Lexical Wealth of the Three Prophet's Poets (Ḥassān Ibn Thābit, Ka’b Ibn Mālik, Abdullāh Ibn Rawāḥah) A Statistical Stylistic Study


  • Asma Ahmed Ali Al-khateeb
  • Rashed Bin Mubarak Alrushood



Lexical Wealth, Stylistic Imprint, Yule Scale, Constant Ratio, Common Noun



 The research aims to measure and compare the lexical wealth of the three poets of the prophet (Ḥassān Ibn Thābit, Ka’b Ibn Mālik, Abdullāh Ibn Rawāḥah), each separately. The Yule scale was applied to the constant ratio of the poetry of each individual poet, which was determined based on what the investigators mentioned in the investigation and in their method of collection and verification. The research began with an introduction, followed by a preface, and three sections, which included applying the scale to the constant ratio of each poet’s poetry separately, and the research concluded with a discussion of the results. They are: Ibn Rawāḥah is the richest lexically speaking compared to his two companions, followed by Ḥassān and then Ka’b, who is considered the least lexically wealthy among them. It seemed to the researcher that as the sample expanded, the repetitions of some lexical units increased, and in return, a number of unique (non-repeated) lexical units appeared.


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How to Cite

Al-khateeb, A. A. A. ., & Alrushood, R. B. M. . (2023). Measuring and Comparing the Lexical Wealth of the Three Prophet’s Poets (Ḥassān Ibn Thābit, Ka’b Ibn Mālik, Abdullāh Ibn Rawāḥah) A Statistical Stylistic Study. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(4), 215–243.



Literature and Criticism

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