Lexical Consistency in the Poem ‘On Napoleon’s Tomb’ from Al-Shawqiyat


  • Ghaliah Saeed Abdullah Al-Qahtani




Integration, Total Repetition, The Relationship of the Part to the Whole, Consistency



This research deals with the tools of lexical coherence in the poem ‘On Napoleon’s Tomb’ from Al-Shawqiyat by Ahmed Shawqi, and studies it textually, aiming to clarify the role of lexical relationships in the consistency and coherence of this poem and to highlight the textual and semantic values it contains. This research includes a preface, an introduction, and two sections, and each section includes a set of topics. The first section is repetition in the poem and its effect on the consistency of the text. It includes four topics: total repetition, partial repetition, semi-repetition, and repetition in tandem. The second section deals with integration in the poem and its effect on the consistency of the text. It includes four topics: contrast, connection to a specific topic, the relationship of the part to the whole, and words that belong to a regular and irregular group. The conclusion included the most important results, including that the poem has absorbed all the tools of lexical coherence, as the matter is not limited to one relationship or one means of consistency, but rather more than one relationship may be present in each part, which contributes to controlling the parts of the poetic text and its consistency.


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How to Cite

Al-Qahtani, G. S. A. . (2023). Lexical Consistency in the Poem ‘On Napoleon’s Tomb’ from Al-Shawqiyat. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(4), 277–311. https://doi.org/10.53286/arts.v5i4.1667



Literature and Criticism