The Role of Deictic Expressions in Controlling Meaning in Legal Texts


  • Abdullah Bin Saad Bin Faris Al-Hoqbani



Legal Discourse, Context, Situation, Legal Rulings, Deictic Expressions


This research explores the topic of "The Role of Deictic Expressions in Controlling Meaning in Legal Texts," drawing on the "Code of Judicial Rulings" issued by the General Administration for Recording and Publishing Rulings, under the supervision of the Saudi Ministry of Justice in its third edition, dated 1429 AH - 2008 AD. The study aims to examine the referential and pragmatic aspects of deictic expressions and their role in regulating the language and meaning of legal rulings. Despite their communicative function between the judge and the parties involved in the dispute, legal texts are marked by their unidirectional and obligatory nature, as they are issued by a binding judicial authority. The research posits that deictic expressions play a key role in conferring a mandatory character to legal texts. To test this hypothesis, the study progresses from theoretical concepts to practical analysis, beginning with an attempt to define "deictic expressions" and introducing the "Code of Judicial Rulings," which contains the textual samples under study. This is followed by the classification of deictic expressions used in legal texts, an investigation of their pragmatic functions, and an analysis of their role in structuring and regulating meaning. The study concludes with findings that underscore the distinctive nature of legal texts in terms of language, formulation, and the reasons behind their intensive and functional reliance on deictic expressions.


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How to Cite

Al-Hoqbani, A. B. S. B. F. (2024). The Role of Deictic Expressions in Controlling Meaning in Legal Texts. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(3), 298–319.




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