Features of the Female Discourse in the Book "Light for the Cellars of the Question" by the Sudanese Poet Rawdah Al-Hajj
Female discourse, the Self, the Other, Masculine culture, Rawdah Al-HajjAbstract
This research seeks to extrapolate some of the features of the female discourse in the poetry of the Sudanese poet Rawdah Al-Hajj, highlighting its artistic and aesthetic connotations that embodied the suffering of the Self while confronting the Other, as well as its criticism of the masculine culture. The poet has sought this by addressing a number of related axes, namely, portraying the suffering of the Self, confronting the Other, and confronting culture (the Self vs language, the Self vs criticism of masculine culture). In order to address this, the researcher will work on the analytical method approach to reveal the features of the female discourse, and to clarify its implications and semantics it conveys. The research concluded with several results, most notably: The question of identity was one of the most prominent concerns embodied in the female discourse in the book under study. The female discourse in the book under study expressed the suffering and fragmentation of the Self as a result of the exclusion and marginalization practiced by the entire culture towards women, starting with customs and traditions and ending with language.Downloads
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