The Threshold of the Title in the Poetic Experience of Mohammed al-Atwi


  • Hamoud Bin Mohammed Al-Naga



Textual Thresholds, Saudi Poetry, Title Threshold, Poetic Discourse


This study comes out from a specific idea that it is possible to deduce from the title the poet's vision of his experience, and the level of progress and development in each poetic experience. To test the title's ability to achieve such a goal, the study chose the experience of the Saudi poet Mohammed al-Atwi. The study is divided into an introduction, a preface, three sections, and a conclusion. The introduction dealt with the importance of the title, its beginnings, and the conditions for its formulation. It also looked closely at the titles of Mohammed al-Atwi’s poems, the titles of his collections and poetic texts. The first and second sections reviewed the titles of the poet's collections and poetic texts (poems and stanzas) respectively; while the third section dealt with the functions of the title in the poetic experience of al-Atwi. In the conclusion, the most important results included: the possibility of deducing from the title the level of the poet's poetic experience, the title’s focus, in the beginnings, on the semantic or referential aspect, and its growth with the growth of the poetic experience to give other functions such as: poetic function, affective function and expressive function.


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How to Cite

Al-Naga, H. B. M. . (2022). The Threshold of the Title in the Poetic Experience of Mohammed al-Atwi. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, (14), 392–423.


