Stream of Consciousness in Youssef Al-Muhaimid’s Novel “The Murmur of the Death”


  • Iman Abdulaziz Al-Mukhiled



Saudi Novel, Introspection, Dream, Novel’s Character, Psychoanalysis


The research aims to study the novel “The Murmur of the death” from stream of consciousness perspective, The study is divided into an introduction and three sections. The first section is about the stream of consciousness and a new reading of the world. The second section reveals the features of stream of consciousness in the novel. The third section searches for the philosophy of time that the writer, Yousef Al-Muhaimid, adopted as his artistic strategy. The researcher concludes in her analysis of the novel’s characters that the psychological factor has the main role in shaping the narrative sphere; and that the construction of characters, the course of events, and the use of different narrative pronouns reflect the features and characteristics of "stream of consciousness". The characteristics of stream of consciousness are also reflected in the plot, thus, the writer departed from the traditional plot pattern and the logicality of the event. Al-Muhaimid also used stream of consciousness techniques of inner monologue and free faltering, while working on the Introspection of the characters.


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How to Cite

Al-Mukhiled, I. A. . (2022). Stream of Consciousness in Youssef Al-Muhaimid’s Novel “The Murmur of the Death”. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, (14), 494–523.


