Approach Problematic Issues in Modernist Poetry Critical Discourse in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  • Ahmed Hadi Yahya Al Zeila



Approach, Critical discourse, Modernist poetry, Saudi Arabia, Criticism


              The study aims to identify the problematic issues of approach to modernist poetry critical discourse in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The study comprises an introduction, a preface and two sections. Adopting critique data, method, the study attempts to find out the problematic issues of approach at three levels, working on modernist poetry criticism which has gone through various transformations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study revealed that the critical discourse approach to modernist poetry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has gone through a number of transitions, mainly resulting from and influenced by the surrounding social, economic, intellectual and cultural conditions in which modernist poetry emerged at both the subjective and the objective levels.  The presence of modernist poetry criticism on the subjective level is felt in two directions: traditional presence apprehensive of modernist poetry, favoring its critique approach only within religious boundaries and restoration renewal presence trying to keep pace with the wave of Arab and global modernization at all aspects. At the objective level, the critical approach enjoys an objective committed mediating presence both enriching and critical of modernist poetry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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How to Cite

Al Zeila, A. H. Y. . (2022). Approach Problematic Issues in Modernist Poetry Critical Discourse in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, (15), 431–458.




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