Strength and Weakness Implications in Abu Firās Al-Hamadānī's Poem (Muṣābī Jalīl): A Stylistic Study


  • Al-Shaimaa Mohammed Al-Farhoud



Weakness, Strength, Abū Firās, (Muṣābī Jalīl) poem, Stylistics


This study aims to identify  some manifestations of strength and weakness in  Abū Firās al-Ḥamadānī's poem (Muṣābī Jalīl)  from a stylistic perspective at the rhyming, lexical, structural and semantic levels. The study is organized into an introduction and three sections. The introduction defines the concepts of implication, strength and weakness. The first section deals with aspects of strength and weakness at the rhyming level both externally in terms of rhythm and rhyme and internally with reference to repetition, alliteration, assonance and consonance. The second section addresses the points of strength and weakness at the lexical and structural level including lexical, syntactic and  stylistic forms and structures., The third section focuses on strength and weakness implications at the sematic level in terms of simile and metaphor.  The study concluded that internal rhythmic repetition was instrumental in identifying strength and weakness  implications. Al-Asr Lexicon signified weakness aspects, while Al-Harbi  Dictionary did for strength implications. Rhetorical images played a crucial role in identifying strength and weakness implications in the poem under study.


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How to Cite

Al-Farhoud, A.-S. M. . (2022). Strength and Weakness Implications in Abu Firās Al-Hamadānī’s Poem (Muṣābī Jalīl): A Stylistic Study. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, (16), 550–587.



Literature and Criticism