Digital Media Efficiency for Realizing Sustainable Development Objectives in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  • Safiya Bint Ibraheem Alabdalkarim



Sustainable Development, Green Saudi, Green Middle East, Environmental Dimension for Sustainable Development


This study aims to identify digital media efficiency in realizing environmental sustainable development in accordance with Green Saudi and Middle East Initiatives. Following analytical survey method, we conducted a content analysis of a sample of governmental institutions tweets, by Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, National Center for Vegetation Development and Combating Desertification, in the period from early November to late December 2022, was carried out. The study revealed that reporting imitative outcomes came in the forefront of major issues mainly in terms of environmental development and preservation at a percentage of 18.3%, followed by officials’ meetings at a score of 16.7%. Among the issues dealt with in the tweets of Saudi Ministries, planting trees across and outside the Saudi Kingdom topped the list with a percentage of 19.1%, followed by degraded land rehabilitation, and environmental preservation at the percentage of 12.4%. As for public institutions’ major goals, updating the public with implemented development projects ranked the highest at a percentage of 60.8%, followed by informing people about governmental bodies’ activities at a percentage of 57%.


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Safiya Bint Ibraheem Alabdalkarim

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How to Cite

Alabdalkarim, S. B. I. . (2023). Digital Media Efficiency for Realizing Sustainable Development Objectives in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arts, 11(2), 676–718.




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