A Comparative Study of Ad-Durrat al-Mudiyya Explanations in Three Accepted Modes of Recitation by Imam Ibn al-Jazari, as Elaborated by An-Nawawi and Al-Melhani


  • Sultan Ali Saleh Al-Faqeeh




Three Recitations, Explanation of , Ibn al-Jazari, An-Nawawi, Al-Muhanni


This study aims to compare the two explanations in terms of addressing the issues and the method of explanation, highlighting the approach of An-Nawawi and Al-Melhani in dealing with the text and verses. The study is divided into two sections. The first section compares the general approach in dealing with the verses, regulating the text, and the sources of explanation. The second section examines the presentation of issues related to the principles, pronunciation of letters, and guidance in recitation. The study findings showed that An-Nawawi distinguished himself from Al-Melhani by addressing potential ambiguities and misconceptions, demonstrating a keen interest in reporting the differences among interpreters' opinions. On the other hand, Al-Muhanni distinguished himself from An-Nawawi in guiding the recitations concerning the principles and pronunciation of letters. However, both scholars agreed on explaining linguistic aspects and utilizing them in the matters of recitation.


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How to Cite

Al-Faqeeh, S. A. S. . (2023). A Comparative Study of Ad-Durrat al-Mudiyya Explanations in Three Accepted Modes of Recitation by Imam Ibn al-Jazari, as Elaborated by An-Nawawi and Al-Melhani. Journal of Arts, 11(4), 626–658. https://doi.org/10.35696/arts.v11i4.1698

