Christianization Training Centers Origin and Role in Preparing Christian Missionaries: An Analytical Study
Christianization, Christian Missionaries, Christianization training centers, Missionaries preparationAbstract
Focusing on Christianization and Christian missionaries training centers in the Islamic world, this study aims to elaborate the concept of Christianization training centers, their origin, importance, and provide examples of such centers, along with an analytical examination of their current status. The analytical and inductive approach was adopted. The study is divided into three sections. The first section explained the concept of Christianization training centers, their origin, and importance. The second section presented several examples of these centers. The third section analyzed the current status of such centers and suggested appropriate approaches towards them. The study findings showed that Christianization training centers are institutions that focus on teaching missionaries the Arabic language, Islamic culture, and providing them with diverse educational and training programs for Christianization. The oldest known Christianization training center is the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome, which was established in 1926. One of the most prominent centers in terms of activity diversity is the Zwemer Center for Islamic Studies in the United States, founded in 1979.Downloads
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