The Culture of Dialogue in the Prophetic Sunnah and its Impact on the Individual and Society
Culture, Dialogue, Prophetic Sunnah, The individual, SocietyAbstract
The research aims to demonstrate the effects of the culture of dialogue in the Prophetic Sunnah on the individual and society, by mentioning live examples of the Prophet Mohammad’s dialogues with all factions of society. It has been divided into an introduction, a prelude and two topics. The prelude defines dialogue and its significance. The first topic provides some examples of the Prophet Mohammad’s dialogues with all factions of society, including his family, his companions, women and children, polytheists and hypocrites and People of the Book (Jews and Christians). The second topic examines the effects of the culture of dialogue in the Prophetic Sunnah. The main finding of this research shows that dialogues in the Prophetic Sunnah are numerous and varied. This finding generally suggests that Islam has taken care of women, children and others by giving them a full right to dialogue and discussion.Downloads
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