Administrative Reform in Yemen: An Analytical Study


  • Abdullah bin Bishr



Administrative modernization, Reorganization, Administrative development, Administrative reform


The research aims to define the concepts and policies of administrative reform, and clarify the current administrative situation and its accompanying great corruption and repercussions on the overall economic, social and political conditions, as well as shed light on the reality of administrative reform in Yemen, modernizing it and keeping pace with the special developments in the economy in all aspects of life. The research has been divided into an introduction, two sections, and results. The first section explored the theoretical frame in the field of Administrative Reform. The second section discusses the remaining policies and procedures in administrative reform in Yemen. The research has adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The research concludes that the clear concepts of the job as a service and responsibility did not crystallize, and it is still seen as a prestige, and a means of enrichment and influence. The administration suffers from a lack of sufficient activation of the existing laws and legislation. There is not enough governmental commitment to the approach of transparency and clarity in work, as it is a basic pillar of administrative reform.



How to Cite

Bishr, A. bin . (2023). Administrative Reform in Yemen: An Analytical Study. Journal of the Faculty of Education, 6(10), 187–203.


