Impulsivity and Its Relation to the Wrong Response in the Objective Tests (True and False - Multiple Choice) among the Students of Najran University
true and false, multiple choices, impulsivity, objective tests, wrong responseAbstract
The present research aimed to identify Impulsivity and its relation to the wrong response in the objective tests (true and false - multiple choice) among the students of Najran University. The sample comprised (133) students from Najran University. Impulsivity questionnaire and objective test were applied to the participants. Using the Varimax factor analysis; T-test and correlation coefficients، the results revealed that some variables help in course evaluation and the variable of (slow response/ rapid response) simple contribution to the students' impulsive response at Najran University. Moreover، there was a negative relationship among the students ’responses to deliberation and their responses to impulsivity in objective tests. Furthermore، there were no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between slow response and rapid response to the objective test in light of the students' response to impulsivity questionnaire. In addition، there were no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the grade of excellent (fewer errors) and the grade of pass (more errors) in the objective test of impulsivity questionnaire.
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