Addiction to electronic games and its relationship to the sense of responsibility, self-esteem, and family communication among secondary school students in Najran.

Addiction to electronic games and its relationship to the sense of responsibility, self-esteem, and family communication among secondary school students in Najran.


  • Dr. Osama Hassan Jaber Abdel Razzaq Faculty of Education - Najran University (Saudi Arabia)



Electronic game addiction - sense of responsibility - family communication - self-esteem.


The study aimed at finding out the level of electronic games addiction among secondary school students in Najran city and identifying the relationship between electronic games addiction, sense of responsibility, family communication and self-esteem. In addition, the study aimed at identifying the differences between male and female secondary school students in electronic games addiction, and identifying the extent of the contribution of each of the sense of responsibility, family communication and self-esteem in predicting electronic games addiction. The study sample consisted of (316) male and female students. The electronic games addiction scales, sense of responsibility scale, family communication scale, and the self-esteem scale were prepared by author. The results of the study showed that the average of electronic games addiction for the study sample was (3.029), at a high level. Also, the results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between addiction to electronic games, sense of responsibility, family communication and self-esteem. The study revealed that there are significant statistical differences among male and female students in electronic games addiction, towards the male studnets. The results of the study also showed that each of the sense of responsibility and family communication predicts electronic games addiction

Author Biography

Dr. Osama Hassan Jaber Abdel Razzaq, Faculty of Education - Najran University (Saudi Arabia)

Faculty of Education, Najran University, Saudi Arabia


قائمة المراجع :

أولا: المراجع العربية

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غلاف العدد التاسع عشر - المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية -جامعة ذمار


10/30/2023 — Updated on 01/02/2024


How to Cite

Dr.Osama Hassan Jaber Abdel Razzaq. (2024). Addiction to electronic games and its relationship to the sense of responsibility, self-esteem, and family communication among secondary school students in Najran.: Addiction to electronic games and its relationship to the sense of responsibility, self-esteem, and family communication among secondary school students in Najran. Journal of the Faculty of Education, 12(19), 09–51. (Original work published October 30, 2023)





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