The Diwan of Suhub al-Shakk ‘The Clouds of Doubt’ by Salem Al-Dawi: A Structural and Stylistic Study


  • Nasser Bin Rashid Bin Shehan



The Clouds of Doubt, Salem Al-Dawi, Saudi Poetry, Al-Jouf, Northern Saudi Arabia, Structure


This research focuses on analyzing the collection of poems titled "Clouds of Doubt" by contemporary Saudi poet Salem Al-Dawi. Using a structural stylistic approach, the study aims to uncover the significant stylistic elements that shape the poet's discourse and dominate the collection. These structures branch out from two main categories, divided into two sections: The first section explores the structure of the Self, encompassing life experiences, memories of youth, fear of the future, and monologues. The second section delves into the structure of the Other, examining the portrayal of women, friends, and enemies. The research elucidates the linguistic shifts associated with these structures, the rhetorical formations employed, and the symbolic dimensions evident in the text. Several findings emerged from the study, including the remarkable utilization of rhetorical imagery to enhance poetic meaning in the collection. The structure of women holds a prominent position among other structures. The poet demonstrates a consideration for historical perspectives, coding, and the incorporation of heritage elements. The utilization of long Hebron poetic meters is observed, with adherence to their conventions. The poet's meanings and words are often clear, and a preference for easy, gentle, and melodious language is evident.


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How to Cite

Bin Shehan, N. B. R. . (2023). The Diwan of Suhub al-Shakk ‘The Clouds of Doubt’ by Salem Al-Dawi: A Structural and Stylistic Study. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(2), 471–497.



Literature and Criticism

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