The Self and Its Relationships in "Life Outside the Parentheses: A Non-Autobiography of the So-Called Saeed" by Saeed Al-Surihy


  • Mohammed Bin Dhafer Bin Ali Al-Qahtani



Autobiography, Self and Other, Connection and Separation, Harmony, Consistency


This study aims to uncover the key relationships of the narrating "I" that shape the narrative trajectory according to "Saeed" in terms of connection, separation, and temporal relations in Saeed Al-Surihy's blog “Life Outside Parentheses: A Non-Autobiography of the So-Called Saeed”. Autobiography is considered the story of the self in the journey of life, encompassing situations and events framed by the narrator's perspectives as he presents himself to the audience. The autobiographer writes only when he believes he has something valuable to offer the reader and fulfills a personal need. The presence of the "I" is central to the autobiography, shaping the narrative and its various relationships. The research comprises an introduction, a preface, and a study of the self's relationships in terms of its connections and separations with family, society and its culture, its relationship with time, and concludes with the findings. The study reveals that the narrating "I" maintains internal harmony, cohesion, and clarity in its relationships with itself, its family, and its ancestors, enabling it to position itself within both ancient and modern society. Conversely, there is a significant separation between the "I" and those with differing intellectual views, especially those strict who question the narrator's religion and patriotism.


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How to Cite

Al-Qahtani, M. B. D. B. A. (2024). The Self and Its Relationships in "Life Outside the Parentheses: A Non-Autobiography of the So-Called Saeed" by Saeed Al-Surihy. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(3), 156–183.




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