The Impact of Pronouns on Achieving Verbal Cohesion and Semantic Harmony of the Sentence in Imru’ al-Qais’s Mu’allaqah
Verbal Cohesion, Semantic Harmony, Context, PronounsAbstract
The research aims to highlight the significant role pronouns play in linking sentences, ensuring their cohesion, harmonizing their components, and emphasizing the meanings in Imru' al-Qais's Mu'allaqah. The study is structured into an introduction, two main sections, and a conclusion. The first section addresses the theoretical framework, while the second focuses on the practical application. The conclusion summarizes the key findings and includes a list of references and sources. Key findings of the research include that pronouns, with their various references, significantly contribute to achieving verbal cohesion and semantic harmony in the sentences and verses of Imru' al-Qais's Mu'allaqah. Context plays a crucial role in clarifying the ambiguities of pronouns, leading to their semantic harmony and cohesion. Additionally, pronouns achieve conciseness, brevity, and verbal cohesion by substituting for nouns.
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