The Imperative Style in the Poetry of Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid: A Grammatical and Semantic Study
Grammatical Styles, Rhetorical Styles, Semantic Features, Imperative Style, Grammatical CharacteristicsAbstract
This study examines the imperative style in the poetry of the Iraqi poet Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid, focusing on its grammatical patterns and semantic characteristics. The research is divided into an introduction, a preface, two sections, conclusions, and recommendations. The first section, titled "Grammatical Patterns in the Imperative Style," explores the imperative forms, their meanings, and the syntactic roles they assume in various contexts. The second section, titled "Grammatical and Semantic Characteristics of the Imperative Style," highlights both the grammatical and semantic features of the imperative, analyzing how these dimensions are reflected through specific poetic examples. The study identifies 265 instances of the imperative style, mostly addressing individuals. Although the imperative "lā" (don’t) represents a single grammatical form, the poet effectively employed it in four distinct styles, each with unique grammatical and semantic traits. These findings underscore Abdul Wahid’s skillful use of the imperative style to convey nuanced meanings throughout his poetry.
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