Description and Manifestations of Social Dimensions in the Novel Romances of Al-A’sha Street by Badriah Albeshr
Description, Social Dimensions, Space, Characters, Narrative DiscourseAbstract
This research explores the technique of description and the social dimensions in Romances of Al-A'sha Street by Saudi novelist Badriah Albeshr. It examines how descriptive mechanisms function, focusing on space and character, and analyzes their artistic and aesthetic significance. The study also investigates the ways in which these elements reveal societal realities, emphasizing the novel's social dimensions. The research is structured into an introduction and three sections. The first section analyzes the depiction of street space, emphasizing its aesthetic and semantic value as a primary narrative element that shapes events and is highlighted from the novel's title. The second section examines the descriptive portrayal of characters, while the third section addresses the representation of social dimensions. The study concludes that the novel engages with numerous social issues affecting Saudi society, using diverse characters with varying tendencies and beliefs to reflect these themes. It reveals social dimensions by exploring the customs, traditions, and behaviors of individuals, providing a deep and nuanced portrayal of society.
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