The Root fakkara (To Think) and Its Forms and Meanings in the Holy Qur’an: An Epistemological Study
The Root fakkara, Epistemology, Individual Thinking, Collective Thinking, Qur'anic TerminologyAbstract
This study seeks to examine the root fakkara (to think) in the Qur’an, analyzing the contexts in which it occurs and linking it to epistemological concepts. The research aims to elucidate how this root fosters intellectual and cognitive development, while also contributing to its pedagogical application, particularly for educators working with younger generations. It further explores the broader implications of the divine engagement with the concept of fakkara. The study is organized into an introduction, a preface, and three main sections. The first section investigates the third-person present tense form of fakkara in the Qur'an and its relationship to epistemology. The second section focuses on the second-person present tense form and its epistemological relevance, while the third section analyzes the past tense form of fakkara and its connection to epistemology. The research yields several key findings, chief among them being that the cognitive processes associated with fakkara in the Qur’anic context consistently occur after a series of preparatory stages designed to stimulate the intellect. Furthermore, individual contemplation is shown to provide clearer and more precise guidance than collective thinking. The Qur'an’s call to reflection is revealed to be a deliberate, purposeful, and all-encompassing invitation that touches upon all aspects of life. Notably, the verb tafakkur (contemplation) in the Qur'an predominantly appears in the present tense, such as in yatafakkaroon (they reflect) and tatafakkaroon (you reflect).
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