The Role of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Serving the Arabic word: A Case Study on the “Saḥḥiḥ li ” Application
Artificial Intelligence, Proofreading, Software Applications, WordAbstract
This study examines the role of artificial intelligence applications in serving the Arabic word using of “Saḥḥiḥ li” (صحح لي) application, utilizing a descriptive and analytical approach. This study is structured into an introduction followed by three main sections: (1) The “Saḥḥiḥ li” application and grammatical correction of the words, (2) The “Saḥḥiḥ li” application and orthographic correction of words, and (3) “Saḥḥiḥ li” application and word vocalization. The research concludes with a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Among the most significant findings are: the application sometimes neglects correcting certain words grammatically or orthographically, fails to distinguish between the open “tā” ((ت and tied "tā’” (ة), does not distinguish between the tied “tā’” (ة) and "hā” (ه). ” It neglects the omission of weak letters in conditional clauses, confuses the two types of hamza (hamzat al-qat' and hamzat al-wasl), and leaves them uncorrected. Besides, it fails to add the distinctive “alif” after the “wāw” of the pronoun. The application also produces errors in the positioning of the medial hamza based on the syntactic role of the word, misidentifies case endings by using the nominative case where the accusative case is required, and mixes up conjugation between the past tense in the active voice and the past tense in the passive voice. It confuses the conjugation of doubled middle past tense verbs with their imperative forms.
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