Degeneration of Words in Gazan Arabic Tongue


  • Raed Mosbah AL-Daya
  • Manal Saleh El-Reashi



Degeneration, Gaza people's Tongue, Standard, Colloquial


The changes in any language are a basic feature in order to keep it alive, and these changes are in all the branches of language. Principal Classic books of the Arabic language have proved the changes that have occurred in the tongues of the Arabs. As these changes are in the branches of language, they vary and differ. Since ancient times, several linguistic phenomena have been formed, including a phenomenon of (Degeneration of Words) in which a word loses some of its sounds, as well as morphological structures. The early Arab and Muslims scholars have mastered it because it makes a difference in the structure of the word in terms of sound and morphology. Therefore, researchers were keen to investigate this phenomenon in Gaza society. The study explores the widespread of this phenomenon among the people of Gaza through a descriptive method seen regardless to the fact that it is an old phenomenon which has its own characteristics that have been spread till today. The study attempted to introduce the phenomenon by classifying the phenomenon into simple categories and illustrating that with some examples of Gazan language words in use. This research is useful in uncovering the phenomenon, so that the reader can have insight into the origin of the words used by the people of Gaza.


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How to Cite

AL-Daya, R. M. ., & El-Reashi, M. S. (2021). Degeneration of Words in Gazan Arabic Tongue. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 1(7), 229–269.


