Duality of Sight and Insight in the Diwan of Margins of the Self
Saudi Poetry, Compensatory Behavior, Sight, InsightAbstract
This research exclusively traces the duality of sight and insight in the poetry of the late blind Saudi poet Muhammad bin Saad bin Hussein, through his latest collection of poems The Margins of the Self, (2008 AD). It focuses on the relationship between the changes in the poet’s life on his poetry, especially of blindness. This study relies on a methodology that aims to monitor the most important manifestations of this duality, analyzes it to the extent that reveals aspects of awareness, and traces its impact on Ibn Hussein’s poetic experience. The research consists of three sections, the first section deals with the effect of blindness, the second one deals with sight, and the third section deals with insight. It concludes with the following findings: Sight and insight are important components around which Ibn Hussein arranged his poetic ideas and meanings. This duality has a clear impact on his lexicon, poetic images; and the absence of creative description. There is a direct link between this duality of sight and insight and Ibn Hussein’s expression of sadness, anxiety, strength and distinction of the self.
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