Journal Policies

Papers published in the journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The journal allows content to be reused and paraphrased; as well as copying, redistributing, and publishing the papers in any medium or format.


Publishing Policy in the Journal:

  • The journal upholds a commitment to adhere to established publishing ethics.
  • The decision to accept research for publication is made based on various factors, including the input of reviewers and editors, the scientific merit of the research, compliance with the journal's publication criteria, adherence to the journal's stated policy, and principles of scientific integrity, originality, and novelty of the research.
  • It is important to note that the opinions expressed in the journal solely belong to the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the journal.
  • Upon receiving final acceptance, researchers will be provided with confirmation of publication acceptance, which will specify the date of acceptance, the publication date, and the issue number in which the research will appear.
  • The arrangement of research within issues is subject to technical standards.
  • The journal strives for geographical diversity in its published research, aiming to include research from local, regional, and international perspectives as much as possible.
  • Issues are published electronically on the journal's website, following a predetermined publication schedule, and are available for free download immediately upon publication, without any conditions.

Editing, Reviewing, and Publishing Stages:

  • The researcher commits to the originality of their research, affirming that it has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Research papers submitted for publication undergo an initial examination by the editorial board. This assessment determines its suitability for the journal's focus, adherence to the journal's policies, and the rigor of the scientific research methodology. The editorial board may either decline the entire research submission or request the researcher to make revisions in accordance with the journal's guidelines before forwarding it to reviewers.
  • Reviewers evaluate the research with the aim of assessing its originality and quality to enhance its overall quality. This critical process involves several stages:
  • After submission, the research is first evaluated and edited by specialized editors to ensure its adherence to the publication standards and conditions.
  • The editor-in-chief or managing editor assesses the research's quality and originality, and it may be rejected at this stage if it fails to meet the established standards, conditions, or ethical guidelines.
  • Reviewers are selected by the editor-in-chief or managing editor, and the review process is conducted anonymously.
  • Reviewers thoroughly assess the research and provide a comprehensive evaluation. If significant flaws are identified, they may recommend rejection or suggest fundamental or minor amendments. They document the areas requiring reconsideration and submit a final report with their recommendations to the editor-in-chief.
  • The editor-in-chief or managing editor reviews the reviewers' reports. In cases of conflicting opinions among the reviewers, the research may be sent to additional reviewers for further evaluation before a final decision is reached. Once a decision is made, the reviewers' reports are shared with the authors.
  • Authors are responsible for implementing the revisions recommended by the reviewers. They must submit a modified copy within two weeks, highlighting the changes in a different color and providing explanations in an attached form specifically prepared for this purpose. Authors can also submit a reasoned response to any comments they disagree with.
  • If essential revisions are recommended, the research is sent back to the reviewers to evaluate the researcher's compliance with the requested changes. For minor revisions, the editorial team oversees the evaluation, followed by a final verification, and the researcher receives an acceptance letter for publication.
  • Once the research is confirmed to be in its final form, it undergoes editing, linguistic proofreading, and technical review before moving on to final production.

Plagiarism Policy

All research submissions undergo thorough investigation and examination to identify plagiarism prior to being sent for scientific evaluation. The researcher is required to provide a written commitment to assume legal and ethical responsibility in cases of plagiarism or the use of other researchers' work without proper attribution.


Addressing Research Misconduct

The journal is committed to taking rigorous measures to detect and prevent the publication of papers that involve research misconduct, such as plagiarism, manipulation of citations, and falsification or fabrication of data.


Review Policy:

  • Research submitted for publication in the journal undergoes an anonymous double-blind review process. This means that reviewers do not have access to the identities of the authors, and likewise, authors are not privy to the identities of the reviewers.
  • The confidentiality of the reviewers' identities and their evaluation reports is strictly maintained.