Vision, mission, goals and field

Journal Vision:

Leadership in publishing original and peer-reviewed research, in accordance with international professional standards.

Journal mission:

The magazine aspires to publish peer-reviewed educational and scientific research and studies, and to be a reference for science and knowledge, in accordance with international standards in terms of originality, methodology, modernity and preservation of educational values.

Journal Objectives:

The magazine seeks to achieve the following goals:

  • To become a platform and scientific reference for scholars, thinkers and researchers in various educational and scientific sciences.
  • To provide an opportunity for researchers and scholars at the local, regional and international levels to publish research in various educational and scientific fields.
  • To publish original and innovative research that serves the society and maintain the scientific and educational values.
  • To support scientific conferences and seminars in the field of educational, humanity and applied sciences.
  • To participate in building a knowledge through publishing original educational and scientific research that helps in the development and advancement of the society.
  • To create a mechanism to communicate with Arab and international universities and centers, which contributes to the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Journal Publication scopes:

The journal scope in publishing research and studies icludes the following areas:

  • Educational and psychological sciences
  • Social sciences and humanities.
  • Natural and applied sciences.

  Publication rules:

  • The magazine is interested in publishing original academic research and studies in Arabic and English in various areas of educational and scientific sciences inside and outside Yemen.
  • Research papers should be sent in the name of the editor-in-chief or managing editor of the journal, to the following e-mail:
  • The opinions expressed in research, studies and published articles express the opinion of the author(s) and do not express the opinion of the magazine. Hence, the researcher is fully responsible for the scientific integrity.
  • Research submitted for publication is presented, in a confidential manner, to specialised reviewers whose subject of research lies at the core of their specialty. The researcher may be asked to reconsider his research in light of the comments made by the reviewers. The researcher is granted (an acceptance letter of publication) after completing the reviewers’ comments and approving them by the editor-in-chief and managing editor.
  • The journal is not obligated to return the review fees whether the manuscript is accepted for publication or not.
  • The journal forwards an electronic copy to the researcher from the issue in which his/her published research was published.
  • It must be taken into consideration that the research is free of grammatical, linguistic, spelling and typographical errors, and that the writing of the research and references is in accordance with agreed upon scientific rules and in accordance with the APA system (7th edition) and the research in Arabic is written in Sakkal Majalla font, size (14) Bold, and titles are written in Sakkal Majalla font, size (16). Bold, while research in English is written in Time New Roman font in size (13) Bold, and titles are written in size (14) Bold, and margins must be (2.5 cm right, left, top and bottom of the page), leaving a single space between the lines. Researcher(s) should be accurate in writing the tables and diagrams and make them clear and concise. Theu should use the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3…throughout the research. The research page numbering must be in the middle of the bottom of the page.
  • The researcher must follow the documentation system according to the APA7 system in Arabic references, just as in foreign references in text and in the reference list.
  • Title of the research, name of the author, and the institution in which the researcher(s) works must be written on a separate page, then writes the title of the research again on the first page of the research.
  • The abstract must not exceed (200) words, and a summary in the Arabic language must be included in the research submitted in a foreign language and vice versa.
  • The number of research pages must not exceed (30) pages, including figures, drawings, references, tables, and appendices.
  • Researchers from inside Yemen pay an amount of (30,000) Yemeni riyals for publication and review wages. In the case of excess pages, the extra page is calculated as (1,000) Yemeni riyals. Researchers from outside Yemen pay an amount of (150) dollars as publishing fees, and in the case of excess pages, the extra page is calculated as (5) dollars or its equivalent in Yemeni riyal.
  • Faculty members at Thamar University pay an amount of (15,000) Yemeni riyals.
  • The researcher submits a letter (pledge) signed by him and all participating researchers - if any - stating that the research will not be published, and that it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The magazine publishes summaries of master's and doctoral theses awarded by the college during the journal's issuance period on one page for each thesis.
  • The research published within one issue is arranged based on technical standards.