A Proposed Perspective for Consolidating the Values of Digital Citizenship among Leaders of Education and Supervision in Yemen


  • Fuad Mohammed Kaid Al-Baadani
  • Mogeeb Ali Al-Gomaai




Perspective, Digital citizenship, Digital citizenship values, Digital access, Digital netiquette


The study aimed to present a proposed perspective for consolidating the values ​​of digital citizenship among the leaders of the education and supervision sector in Yemen. To achieve this, the descriptive method of both survey and development was used. The questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of (28) participants who were selected in a purposive style from a population of (276) employees in Ibb Education Office. The study findings revealed that the availability of digital citizenship received a low score among the Education Office employees from the point of view of the study participants with a mean of (1.61) and a standard deviation (0.76) of the total responses to the dimensions of the questionnaire. However, the importance of digital citizenship among the study participants received a higher score with a mean of (2.41) and a standard deviation of (0.64) of the total response to all dimensions. Based on these results, a perspective for consolidating the values ​​of digital citizenship among the leaders of the education and supervision sector in Yemen was recommended.


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How to Cite

Al-Baadani, F. M. K. ., & Al-Gomaai, M. A. . (2023). A Proposed Perspective for Consolidating the Values of Digital Citizenship among Leaders of Education and Supervision in Yemen. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 5(2), 160–201. https://doi.org/10.53285/artsep.v5i2.1478



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