Philosophical Dogmatic Analysis of Rhonda Byrne’s Book As-Sir (The Secret): A Critical Reading in Light of Islamic Beliefs


  • Aaliyah Bint Saleh Saad Al-Qarni



Illusion of happiness, Islamic beliefs, Disrespecting religions, Principles of The Secret


The study aims to analyze and critique Rhonda Byrne’s book As-Sir (The Secret) in light of Islamic beliefs, highlighting the author’s intellectual foundations and important ideas which influenced the book’s principles and shaped its content, explaining the theological and intellectual critique of the principles of the book and demonstrating the Islamic legal methodology to attain happiness and its essentials. For the study purpose, the descriptive, analytical, and critical approach was employed. The study main findings showed that As-Sir (The Secret) book called for disrespecting religions, rebelling against beliefs, and claiming that humans can achieve eternal happiness and well-being through secret power. It was also revealed that The Secret book explicitly encouraged people to avoid taking action, resort to inaction and laziness, and depend on the belief in the power of the inner self and its alleged powerful effects on internal and external change.


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How to Cite

Al-Qarni, A. B. S. S. (2024). Philosophical Dogmatic Analysis of Rhonda Byrne’s Book As-Sir (The Secret): A Critical Reading in Light of Islamic Beliefs. Journal of Arts, 12(1), 489–523.

