Inscription of the assassination of king Watār Yuhʿmin and other inscriptions. An analytical study


  • Khaldūn H. A. Nuʿmān



Wtrm Yhʾmn, Saʿdshams ʾAsraʿ, Yadaʿʾil Bayyn, Inscriptions, Ḥaḍramūt, Qitbān


The research deals with the study and documentation of: (7) ancient inscriptions, written in the southern Arabic Musnad script, originating from the Hakir region in Dhamār Governorate, including one dated inscription. These inscriptions date between the end of the first century AD to the end of the second century AD. The importance of this research lies in the new data recorded by the inscriptions, and their close relationship to the historical events recorded in the inscriptions of the Awam Temple in Marib, especially the war launched by King Sʿds²ms¹ ʾs¹rʿ in the year (132) AD, against the King of Hadhramaut (Ydʿʾl Byn) and the King of Qataban (Nbṭ Yhnʿm), the history of which was known through the inscription (Kh-Jarf an-Naʿīmīya 13), and it was preceded by the assassination of King Wtrm Yhʾmn, king of Sheba and Dhi Raydan (al-Qayfī-Ḥanakat al-Salāma 1). As for the most important results of the research, each inscription published in it is a result in itself, in addition to that the first inscription that talks about the assassination of a king, and the first dated inscription that mentions the Jurti king Sʿds²ms¹ ʾs¹rʿ, king of Saba and Dhu Raydan, and the first Raydanic inscription that mentions the name of the king of Hadhramaut (Ydʿʾl Byn).


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How to Cite

Nuʿmān, K. H. A. (2024). Inscription of the assassination of king Watār Yuhʿmin and other inscriptions. An analytical study. Journal of Arts, 12(3), 172–195.

