Civil Transactions System Impact on Other Legal Systems: An Exploratory Study
Legal Systems, Civil Transactions, Abolishing Systems, System Enforcement, General SystemAbstract
The study aims to explore the legal legislators concern for coherent, contradiction-free legal systems, focusing on systemic stability in all human transactions, highlighting legislative possible deviations and exceptions from the principle of immediate system application of the Civil Transaction system to facts. The study consists of an introduction, two sections, and a conclusion. The introduction discusses legislative evolution. The first section defines the Civil Transactions System, its enforcement, the concept of system cancellation. The second section discusses the impact of the Civil Transactions System on other legal systems. The conclusion lists key findings and recommendations. The study results showed that the Civil Transactions System was the general system in any state, governing others regarding individual transactions, exerting clear impact on the cancellation or modification of other systems, including certain provisions in the Sharia litigation system and the legal advocacy system. Additionally, it was revealed that amendments emerged in various systems such as commercial court systems, rights assurance in movable property, and documentation systems. It was concluded that Civil Transactions System applied retroactively as a general rule, except where exceptions were specified.
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