The Impact of Using Social Media on the Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises Run by Youth in Abs and Bani Qais Districts - Hajjah Governorate


  • Nagwa Ahmed Noman Osman



Social media, Small and micro enterprises, Information Technology (IT), Project performance


The current study aims to identify the impact of using social media on the performance of small and micro enterprises run by the youth in Abs and Bani Qais districts - Hajjah governorate. The descriptive survey method, and the questionnaire tool was used to collect data which was processed by using SPSS software for a sample of (100) youth males and females. This research has been divided into an introduction that includes the research problem, objectives, previous studies and theatrical framework. Then the research methodology and the statistical analysis to know the characteristics of social media users, and if there is an impact of using social media on the performance of the small and micro enterprise. The study has reached several findings, such as the level of using social media by the youth is quite high up to 73%, and the level of performance of their small and micro enterprises is high up to 77%. Also, the study found that there is a strong positive relationship between the use of social media and the performance of small and micro enterprises.


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How to Cite

Osman, N. A. N. . (2022). The Impact of Using Social Media on the Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises Run by Youth in Abs and Bani Qais Districts - Hajjah Governorate. Journal of Arts, 1(24), 613–645.




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