Autonomous Mind in Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the Perspective of Islamic Education: A Critical Study


  • Ahmed Hasan Mohammed Al Maraee
  • Abdurrahman Mohammed Nafeez Al-Harethi



Rights of the Mind, Human Eligibility, Universal Declaration, Islamic Education


This article aims to explore the Islamic educational perspective on mind rights, highlighting their key determinants, providing a critical analysis of the shortcomings encompassed within mind rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The deductive method was employed. The study findings showed that mind rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights carried historical and intellectual tensions, often associated with the opinions of those who drafted them and the societies from which they originated. It was revealed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights did not address the prevention of anything that impairs the mind, or causes harm to it, such as alcohol, drugs, and the like. A fundamental characteristics of mind rights in Islamic education was that their origin is derived from Divine ordinance to humans. Therefore, rights are only established through God's recognition. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights included some rights of the mind that are in line with Islam. However, it also constructed certain rights with a limited understanding of human nature, neglecting the religious and spiritual aspects and resulting in a significant disparity between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Islamic perspective.


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How to Cite

Al Maraee, A. H. M., & Al-Harethi, A. M. N. (2024). Autonomous Mind in Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the Perspective of Islamic Education: A Critical Study. Journal of Arts, 12(1), 362–384.




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