Ibn al-Tawam's Response to the Letter of Abi al-Aas ibn Abd al-Wahhab al-Thaqafi: An Argumentative Approach


  • Abeer Al-Husein




الحجاج, الخطاب, المنطق, العقل, الحجة, الإقناع


The aim of this study is to apply the argumentative approach of the modern critical deliberative school to a text that is considered one of the most important ancient heritage texts, of which Al-Jahiz was a key founder. The text under study is the response of Ibn al-Tawam to the letter of Abi al-Aas bin Abd al-Wahhab al-Thaqafi. The goal is to critically analyze the argumentative methods used by the author to persuade the reader of his opinion and refute opposing views in traditional discourse. The study is divided into an introduction and theoretical preface which defines and adjusts the term "argument," followed by the applied section that uses the tools and techniques of the argumentative approach to analyze the text. The research concludes that the argumentative style of this text, according to the division of Taha Abd al-Rahman, is considered directive argumentation, as it focused on convincing the addressee to accept the author's opinion without considering the impact on the opposing party.


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How to Cite

Al-Husein, A. . (2023). Ibn al-Tawam’s Response to the Letter of Abi al-Aas ibn Abd al-Wahhab al-Thaqafi: An Argumentative Approach. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(1), 1–122. https://doi.org/10.53286/arts.v5i1.1437



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